“Prof Estrin says, “A successful leader in this rapidly changing and complex world has to be constantly learning and listening in order to understand how their own business models actually work in different national contexts, the threats that those contexts are creating and how the capabilities of the company must be adjusted to meet those challenges.”

Executive education can add significant value when balanced with internal organizational training. When managers come out of their organizations to engage in executive education, they are forced to challenge their own perspectives and widen their horizons by gaining access to a network of executives from different companies, industries, and countries – all with their own practices and ideas to consider from their own organizations.”  – Liz Griffith, senior marketing and communications officer at LSE, in conversation with Dr Connson Locke & Prof Saul Estrin for ChangeBoard.com [end]

No matter how seasoned an executive is, the ever-changing business world requires even the most experienced leaders to adapt by learning both new skills and new ways of thinking. PMO Advisory has developed half-day live virtual and 1-day face-to-face training courses that are highly effective options when seeking to enhance the skills of an employee while making the most effective use of time and securing the best value from a training budget. One of the benefits of these short courses is that the expenditure is kept to a minimum as travel and accommodation are reduced. Secondly, the time actually implementing the learning is amplified as the number of hours invested in learning is narrowed to what is essential and required.

PMO Advisory’s Business Execution Essential Series covers 7 specific topics, each a half-day live virtual and a 1-day accelerated training program on: (1) Strategic Business Execution (SBE), (2) Portfolio Management, (3) Program Management, (4) Project Management, (5) Project Management Office (PMO), (6) Risk Management, and (7) Organization Change Management.  Click Here to learn about our Project Management Career : Business Execution Essentials Courses
