“PMPs establish and foster workplace behavior expectations through their own leadership values and actions. Simply put – I believe that we learn from the examples set by those above.  In effect, that leads to two clear choices that PMPs have: do they commit to a positive, respectful model for workplace culture or a disrespectful, bullying model?  This fundamental decision impacts your organization and also reflects back onto you as the leader.”  – Paul Pelletier for Project Times, excerpted from the article, “Project Managers And Workplace Bullying: Are You Willing To Risk Everything? “, click here to read the article in its entirety. [end]

Well said!   PMO Advisory offers courses throughout the year designed for project professionals interested in Portfolio (PfMP), Program (PgMP), Project (PMP & CAPM) Risk (PMI-RMP) Management, and Agile (PMI-ACP) certifications.
