“Here are a few tips for your Risk and Issues management:
1.       Create a culture where bringing forward a Risk is being rewarded

2.       Educate your team on articulating Risks in a way that is actionable

3.       Identify the “So What” – what will the Risk do to your project if it turns into an Issue

4.       Identify a “Need Resolution no later than” Date

5.       Assign each Risk a probability and an Impact score

6.       Stack rank your Risks based on the combined score

7.       Clearly assign the Risk to an owner – not all Risks can be owned by your Project Manager

8.       Don’t make an entire team a Risk Owner, names and faces will help with accountability

9.       Identify 2 – 3 viable Mitigation plans for each Risk

10.    Update your Risk log weekly and report progress

For most ERP projects an excel file that everyone on the team can access and add records, as well as look up assigned action items works really well, SharePoint forms are also a popular way to keep the Risk and Issues Register transparent, and a joint project team responsibility. – Heike Peters, Stoneridge Software for ERP Software blog, excerpted from his article, “Managing Risks & Issues in your ERP Project ”  click here to read the article in its entirety.

Well said and we agree!   PMO Advisory is excited to offer courses throughout the year designed for project professionals interested in Portfolio (PfMP), Program (PgMP), Project (PMP & CAPM) Risk (PMI-RMP) Management, and Agile (PMI-ACP) certifications.
