Project managers have a role in ensuring that an organization’s expected benefits are delivered once a project is complete. It’s especially important to activate that role during project execution, when benefits can be derailed due to changes in the business, resource challenges, or customer demands that misalign with a project’s original goals.Such scenarios need careful attention for benefits realization management. Through the activities of monitoring, measuring and reporting, leaders can understand whether projects and programs are on track to deliver the benefits expected. In addition to embracing the project manager’s role in benefits realization, organizations that more fully realize benefits work through cross-functional teams. These teams include a well-engaged business or benefits “owner” and have in place the tools and processes needed to measure and measure benefits. When benefits realization is part of a disciplined approach to project management, performance increases. Yet most organizations — 83 percent — lack maturity in this area according to current Pulse of the Profession® data.  – PMI “Pulse of the Profession”,  Click here to download the Pulse of the Profession report.

Well said!  PMO Advisory LLC, a leader in the fields of project, program and portfolio management, is launching a new comprehensive curriculum in Project Management Office (PMO) in the Fall of 2016.  The first of the courses entitled “Successful Project Management Office”  is designed for PMO professionals and project practitioners and is scheduled to be held on October 31st to November 4th, 2016 in New York City, Click here for details!


FREE Webinar  “Essentials of Project Management Office (PMO)”

Monday, August 1, 2016 from 1:00-2:00pm Eastern Standard Time

 To join click here!

All participants will earn 1 PDU and receive special discounts for our upcoming classes.