Small-Medium Business are not immuned to the project failure – relative or absolute. Challenged by time, resources, and funding, they often cut corners. Some they can get away, but some they cannot. Thus, I think the project management function is an inherent function in all the executives and managers. The most wonderful experience of working in a SMB is that everyone wear many hats. Mangers should encourage that, but also to mindful of control. Thus, managers in SBE should also be more of a business coach at times than a hands-on manager, depending on projects. As a business coach / project manager, the goal is to provide timely, relevant, and hopefully time-saving tips and tools to direct the project. Even if this guidance is in the background, the project team would be amazed at the invisible hand at work.

Te Wu’s comments on the Jim Rouse article below:

Jim Rouse for writes:Project management is often thought of as superfluous or even a burden in the world of small business technology projects.

SMB technology is frequently driven by technical people implementing technical solutions for technical problems. This is largely a good thing. It keeps IT overhead down and focuses resources on keeping things working. However, technology’s potential can be limited when the only considerations are the technical aspects. This is where comprehensive IT project management can elevate an organization’s technology from a technical solution to a business solution.

The typical IT project starts with a business problem, then goes to a sales representative who passes it to a sales engineer and finally ends with the implementing technician. For many projects, this process is “just fine.” But often, a project requires more than a technical solution. An organization must consider the impact that a piece of technology can have on all aspects of their business. It doesn’t always boil down to “what do we need and how much is it going to cost?” This is where project management can maximize those technology dollars.  SNIP, the article continues @  GRBJ, click here to continue reading…..