Everything About CAPM – A Gateway to Becoming a Professional Project Manager

Tuesday, December 04, 2018   1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Send us your email and we’ll send you an invite and instructions for this free live webinar on Join.me  Tuesday, December 04, 2018, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.   Sign Up Below.

Summary:  Project management is becoming a general business skill, and its application can be seen everywhere.  From the construction or repair of the latest bridge to managing new product development, project management is at the heart of getting the initiative completed artfully.  Projects are becoming so popular that there is a broad discussion of projectification of our society in which many, if not most temporary endeavors are managed as projects.

This webinar is designed for people who are serious about getting started in project management. The webinar will highlight:


  1. The ubiquity of projects and project management in our society today, especially in business organizations
  2. How to start building your project management skills and gaining experiences
  3. For entry-level professionals who are serious about project management, the optimal certification to consider is the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) accredited by the Project Management Institute.

Description:  This webinar is designed to provide college graduates and entry-level professionals a deep awareness and appreciation of the power of project management and how to earnestly get started in this field. 

Today, projects are all around us, and the ubiquity is fueling the growth of the project management profession.  The growth was initially fueled by competition and organizations strive to do more with less. But even the non-profit and governmental sectors are facing resource shorts and other constraints. Thus, over the past twenty years, the influence of project management can be felt in all sectors of our society. Many, in short of all temporary endeavors, confront the challenges of some constraints, whether the constraints are time, resources, scope, quality, understanding of people, and many other factors.  How to implement these endeavors well can be sources of tremendous competitive advantage. Even the U.S. government recognizes the potential for greater efficiency and effectiveness. In December 2016, President Obama signed into law the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act (PMIAA) requiring the U.S. federal government to establish a formal project, program, and portfolio management program.

There are many ways to get started in project management. In most organizations, projects abound, and there are typical opportunities to work as team members and assistants to managers and project managers. Larger organizations often provide project management fundamental training courses.  In the U.S., most libraries (at least in my area) provide access to free educational resources like Lynda that contain a plethora of project management resources. Interested professionals should also consider joining the Project Management Institute (PMI), and any of its nearly 300 chapters around the world.  If you are adventurous and like to tinker with activity, then consider volunteering at a local non-profit organization such as your local church and ask to lead some initiatives, whether it is the latest fundraising project or organizing events. This way, you can put your leadership skills to the test. While all these steps are helpful, if you are really serious about project management, you should consider PMI’s Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM).

Obtaining the CAPM certification has many benefits.  Internally, it is a milestone in which you now understand the core concepts and skills in project management. Externally, CAPM is a declaration of your intent to employers, mentors, and the world of project management professionals of your interest in pursuing project management.  It serves as a real and significant differentiator, and it is recognized globally.

Why Attend?:  Learn about an exciting career in project management and everything about the entry-level PMI certification – the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM).

Who Will Benefit? :  All college juniors, seniors, recent graduates, and entry-level professionals interested in project management


  • Understanding of the popularity of projects that are driving the implementation of all kinds of endeavors around us 
  • Articulate how project management is meeting these challenges and creating opportunities for organizations to be more efficient and effective
  • Explain how to get started in project management through learning, seeking opportunities at work, volunteering, and pursuing the CAPM certification
  • Describe the CAPM certification including its benefits, requirements, and a concise strategy to study for the program

Meet the Presenter

Dr. Te Wu

Dr. Te Wu


Professor Te Wu is an academic and a professional with over 25 years of work experience helping businesses to improve their strategy execution, over 15 years of teaching experience empowering students with management knowledge and skills, and now over 10 years of experience as an entrepreneur. His core belief is that most organizations and people have more ideas than they can successfully tackle. Thus, his recent work has focused on “getting the right things done, in the right way.”  In his professional journey to date, he grew from the shop floor to leading hundred million-dollar portfolios.  He is a researcher, author, speaker, teacher, and also a practitioner. Selective highlights of Wu’s work include the following:

  • Found and built PMO Advisor into a leading project management training (PMI Global R.E.P.) and consultancy
  • Professorship at multiple global universities including China-European Business School and Montclair State University. Also on the Project Management Advisory Board at Stevens Institute of Technology
  • Served/serving on two PMI Global Standard Committees: The Standard for Portfolio Management – Fourth Editionand The Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs, and Projects
  • Serving as a U.S. delegate on the International Standard Organization’s Technical Committee 258 for project, program, and portfolio management
  • International speaker including many PMI Chapters around the world, PMI®EMEA Congress, PMI China Congress, and most recently across multiple cities in China at the invitation of China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Send us your email and we’ll send you an invite and instructions for this free LIVE webinar on Join.me  Tuesday, December 04, 2018, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

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Everything About CAPM – A Gateway to Becoming a Professional Project Manager

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.  Eastern Standard Time


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